Nueva School at Bay Meadows
New Ground-Up 21st Century Private School
The new 110,000 SF building was designed to inspire 21st century learners and engagement. The new school offers integrated learning that fosters evolving pedagogies. The structural steel building varying in height from the one-story Student Center to the three-story North Wing features a concrete podium with parking below. The building offers science classrooms, design/innovation I-Labs, art labs, multi-purpose room for performing arts, fitness, and classrooms, along with collaborative and flexible instructional spaces, a writing and research center, along with a kitchen lab and dining area.
Designed to reduce energy use by 65% and 50% less water usage than a typical high school, the project received a LEED Gold Certified; inspiring students and future generations to live and learn in an energy efficient and conscious world. With the mixture of labs, studios, faculty office, and seminar classrooms, SVM installed a 28T VRF system along with 11 fan coils to serve each room in the classroom wing. This 28T VRF system is not only super-efficient saving operational costs for the campus, it also has a smaller footprint which ultimately saved on space which reduces structural design costs. Although the art studio required a dedicated exhaust fan for a spray booth, SVM was able to integrate the entire system into the existing campus BMS system, making it easier to maintain and manage. To properly ventilate the open spaces throughout the building while being conscious of energy efficiency standards, we installed a rooftop ERV that is enclosed on the rooftop terrace to be as sleek as possible to meet the aesthetics requirements of the campus.
San Mateo, CA
Devcon Construction
110,000 SF
New Construction
2015 AIA Knowledge Community
AIA National – Educational Facility Design Award, Shirley Cooper Award
Sustainable San Mateo County, Green Building